The Stitching Genie
sewing a smile into the world
Alterations, Repairs & Sewing Classes
12 Robert Key Drive
NR20 3RW
​Strictly By Appointment Only

sewing a smile into the world
One of my passions is getting involved with fundraising and helping the Norfolk & Norwich NICU (neonatal intensive care unit), Buxton Ward & Heydon Ward with essential items.
NICU (neonatal intensive care)
Buxton Ward
Heydon Ward
*supply of quilts for incubators
*cot blankets
*baby hats
*premature clothes
*basic wash bags & contents
*shower gel & flannels
*sanitary products
This is a cause close to my heart as my own daughter was born prematurely and the help and care given by all the staff at the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital was amazing. So my mission has always been to try and give a little bit back.
*Incubator quilts can be approximate in size but as a guide 35" x 41" (89cm x 104cm)
These can be made with any suitable fabric and are used by the staff to cover the incubators at night to emulate night and day. The parents get to take this home with baby at the end of their stay.
*Cot Blankets can be made any size, but need to be made from a wool that is suitable for babies and not crochet as babies can get fingers stuck in the holes. As a guide a tea towel size is fine.
*Baby Hats - Please check before donating as the hospital is often up to capacity for these and have little space to store them.
*Premature baby clothes in good clean condition are always welcome.
*Nappies in any sizes from 00 upwards. These must be unopened packs.
*Ladies Sanitary Products. These must be unopened packs.
*Basic washbags and contents are needed. If you're able to sew you can download the PDF pattern below and sew along with my youtube video.
Washbag contents include:
(all must be new and unopened)​​​
If you are able to donate any of the above items please get in touch. There are already an amazing team of people who make quilts, knitted blankets and sew wash bags and with more people on board we can help deliver more donations to the Norfolk & Norwich. - if you're reading this far, thank you for taking the time, it means a lot.
I have a drop box installed at my address so that donations can be placed in here safely at any time, but please do leave a note of your name as its always great to say thank you.
Drop Off Point for TWAM
Do you have an old sewing machine that you no longer use or even a machine that is not currently working? Sewing machines, including manual, electric, treadle, and industrial, can be donated. to TWAM. Machines are serviced, repaired and sent to 7 countries in Africa where people are trained to use these machines to earn a living and teach others too. Please click on the TWAM picture to go to their website. *Contact me to arrange a drop-off.

Safe & Secure Drop-Off Box For NHS Donations